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- Exclusive FEMALE Brenland DENVER embryos
PTAT +3.82 / DGV Conf. +19 - INCREDIBLE SHOW-TYPE heifer sired by the #1 dtr proven type sire BYWAY!!
- Eliza is a TOP 10 PTAT heifer (>9 months) in Europe
- From the huge transmitting cow family of:
> Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL > Multiple National Show winner
> Capj Irana > 1st European Show Colmar & National Show Winner
> Amarante > 2 x French Cow of the Year!!
Byway x VG-87 VG-88-MS 2yr. Doorman x VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. Numero Uno x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL
Sire: FEMALE Brenland DENVER | +3.82 PTAT (High Octane x Doorman x Atwood)
Dam: JK Eder DG Eliza | Byway dtr going back on Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL
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- FEMALE REDROCK embryos from one of the highest Modesty dtrs in Europe: GTPI +2759!!
- REDROCK is one of the highest GTPI bull available in the World: GTPI +2916 / PTAT +2.70
- Great index heifer: +0.14%F +0.07%P / DPR +3.6 / SCS 2.81 / SCE 6.8 / UDC +3.13 / GTPi +2759
- Huge udder index, one of the very few heifers in the breed combining >2750 GTPI / >3 UDC!!
- Modesty dtr going back on Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95-USA
- Same family as Kingboy, Wonder, Epic and multiple other great sires
Modesty x VG-86 2yr. Numero Uno x VG-89 EX-93-MS Aftershock x Marwil Alh Willie VG-88 x Marwil Durham Leadmae 1 VG-88 x Whittier-Farms Lead Mae EX-95 GMD DOM
Sire: FEMALE REDROCK-View Klutch | +2916 GTPI | +2.70 PTAT
Dam: HET Modest Willie cv | +2759 GTPI | +2.32 PTAT | +3.13 UDC
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- Early FEMALE PINNACLE embryos: GTPI +2888 / NM $ 1007 / PTAT +2.40
- From a unique Jedi dtr with outcross maternal line: x Tango x Meridian x Snowman
- Lyana has a unique index: +2458 Milk / +74 Protein / DPR +2.6 / SCE 6.7!!!!
- Huge potential from the fantastic Italian Bertaiola Lidia cow family
- 4th dam is the full sister to MINCIO!
Jedi x Tango x Meridian x Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. x Bolton x EX Iron x VG Mtoto x EX x VG x VG x EX
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I Modesty PINNACLE | GTPI +2888 / NM $ 1007 / PTAT +2.40
Dam: Rhala EX Lyana | +2458M / +74 PROTEIN / DPR +2.6 / SCE 6.7
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- FEMALE ROOSTER embryos from a Doorman straight out Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95-CAN
- Exclusive embryos by ROOSTER - GTPI +2811 / NM $ 928 / PTAT +2.44 / UDC +2.53
- Legacy was H.M. @ Quebec Spring Show '16 & Maternal sister to Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95-USA
- Winterbay Goldwyn Lotta was Grand Champion at the Royal Winter Fair '10
- Going back on Ravenswell Lydia EX-92-USA
Doorman x Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95 x Lexis Triumphant Lotteryx Idee Larissa EX-90-CAN x Ravenswell Lydia EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Edg Director ROOSTER | +2811 GTPI | +2.44 PTAT
Dam: De Dorre Doorman Legacy | Doorman straight out Winterbay Fever Legacy EX-95-USA
- FEMALE UNDENIED embryos (+ 4.19 PTAT) of GS Ruegruet Atlee (s. Gold Chip)
- Atlee is a dtr of Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH which was 4th in class @ Swiss Expo '14
- This family goes back on MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA, one of the most succesfull show type cow familys!
- Same family as bulls like: Atwood, Golden Dreams, Archival, Aftershock and many others!
Gold Chip x Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH (s. Jasper) x Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91 x MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Our-Favorite UNDENIED | +4.19 PTAT
Dam: GS Ruegruet Atlee | Gold Chip dtr of Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH
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- These embryos will produce you 100% R&W FEMALES!!
- Great combination going back on Budjon Redmarker Desire EX-96-USA
> GRAND CHAMPION World Dairy Expo '05 - High production pedigree, multiple generations >10.000 kg Milk in 305 days in 1st lactation
- This family delivered many All-Americans and show winners!
Sympatico x EX-90 Destry x Budjon-Nitzy Destiny-Red EX-94 x Budjon Redmarker Desire *RC EX-96-USA
Sire: FEMALE Luck-E Absolute AWESOME-RED | Huge R&W sire with +3.03 PTAT
Dam: Destiny Red VG-85-DE 2yr. | | RED going back on Desire EX-96-USA: GRAND @ Madison - 87FR 87MS 87FL / VG-87-DE
- FEMALE Unix / Gold Chip embryos of a fancy show winning Doorman dtr!
- Lovestroke is straight out Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza EX-93-CAN!!
- Lovestroke is the full sister to Lovestruck (All-Canadian & HM. All-American)
- Lovestroke was 3rd @ the Luxembourg Junior Open '17!
Doorman x Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza EX-93 x Lylehaven Durhama Lekysya EX-92 x Lylehaven Leah EX-91
Sire: FEMALE: Croteau Lesperron UNIX | Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP
Dam: Hullcrest Lovestroke | Doorman x Goldwyn Lasenza EX-93-CAN
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- Stantons Applicable embryos from a amazing Powerball P dtr!
- Stantons Applicable: +3.08 PTAT, +3.55 UDC & +2502 GTPI
- Wilder Melissa comes from the very succesfull Wilder Meta family!
- This family brought many bulls for AI like: Gasometer, Bugatti, Agronaut & more!
Powerball P x Wilder Melle VG-86 (s. Boss) x Wilder Meta VG-86 (s. Shamrock) x Wilder Mali VG-87 x Wilder Maja EX-90
Sire: Stantons APPLICABLE | Huge type: +3.08 PTAT & +2502 GTPI
Dam: Wilder Melissa | Fresh Powerball P dtr & ready to show!
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- FEMALE SOLOMON embryos - sire of GREAT heifers!
- Barbara was Intermediate Champion & Res. Int Champion World Dairy Expo '13 & '12!
- Barbara won her class in Madison for 3 years in a row!
- Nohl Brady is one of the few Archrival heifers in Europe and has PTAT +3.47!
- Fantastic branch of the Regancrest Barbie's!
Archrival x Ms Gold Barbara Brooke VG-88-USA 2yr. (s. Doorman) x Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET EX-95 EX-96-MS
Sire: FEMALE Walnutlawn SOLOMON | King of the SHOWRING!
Dam: Nohl Brady | PTAT +3.47 grand dtr of BARBARA EX-95-USA
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- Embryos from the former #1 Snowman Red Carrier dtr in Europe: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina!!
- Selina was topseller at the ZBH Hessens Zukunft Sale '13 for €26.000
- Incredible first lactation: 12.519kgM with 3.8% PROTEIN
- Dam of Selina is one of the hottest Planet-daughters in the breed and was sold for $1.000.000
- Full sister to Dymenthom S SYMPATICO RC @ Semex
VG-86 2yr. Snowman x Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk EX-90 (s. Planet) x Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence VG-85 2yr. (s. Bolton)
Sire: FEMALE Luck-E AWESOME RED | Red sensation with +3.03 PTAT
Dam: Des-Y-Gen Snowman Selina *RC VG-86-DE 2yr. | The former #1 GTPI Red Carrier Snowman in Europe!
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- KING DOC (+4.01 PTAT) embryos out of the Willemshoeve Rita's!
- This Rubicon heifer combines +2656 GTPI & +2.31 PTAT!
- The combination between type, Index and very high components
- Grand dam Willemshoeve Rita 6127 is sold for € 26.500
Rubicon x DT Totilas Rita 1 GP-84 (s. AltaOak) x VG-87 Danillo x Willemshoeve Rita 331 VG-89 (s. Ramos)
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | +4.01 PTAT | +2657 GTPI
Dam: RH Rubicon Totilas 6 | Fantastic branch of the Willemshoeve Rita's!
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- Exclusive HISTORY embryo's out of Doorman's sister: Dueholm Sympatico Irena!
- Irena is the full sister to Blondin Integral *RC @ Semex
- Your chance to become a part of the family of Doorman!!
VG-87 Sympatico x Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-94 (s. Shottle) x Val-Bisson Goldwyn Maya VG-88 (s. Goldwyn)
Sire: Lindenright HISTORY | +3.24 PTAT Doberman son
Dam: Dueholm Sympatico Irena *RC VG-87-DK 2yr. | Dtr of Val-Bisson Shottle Imelda EX-94
- Fanastic SOLOMON heifer from the very successful Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90 family!
- Grand dam Mox Rachel EX-90 is the mat. sister to Mox Rihanna EX-93: Int. Champion RBW-Show '14
- This heifer has 12 generations VG or Excellent dams behind her!
Solomon x Mox Ragtime VG-87 (s. Capital Gain) x Mox Rachel EX-90 (s. Yorick) x Kerndtway Goldwyn Ranya EX-90
Sire: FEMALE Mr Chassity GOLD CHIP | No explanation needed, he speaks for himself!
Dam: Mox Solomon Ragstar | Impressive show heifer from the Ranya EX-90 family
- UNIQUE - EXCLUSIVE!! FEMALE embryos of the sensational sire: Brenland DENVER!
- From one of the greatest Doorman dtrs on the planet!
- Esmeralda has the MAX score and very successful show cow:
> Res. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show '16
> 1st Intermediate Cow National NRM Show '17
> Champion Mariënwaerdt '16 & Res. Champion '17
> Res. Champion Hoornaar '16 - A daughter of the French National Champion Carf Emeraude EX-91-FR!!
Doorman x EX-91 Goldwyn x VG-88-FR Shottle x VG-89 2yr. x EX-90 xVG-89 x EX-93 x EX-94
Sire: FEMALE Brenland DENVER | +3.82 PTAT High Octane son
Dam: JK Eder DG Esmeralda VG-89-NL 3yr. | Res. Champion 2yr. old HHH-Show, 1st in class @ NRM and more!
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- De-Su 13494 HARTLEY (+161 RZG) embryos from the former #2 Blossem daughter for RZG!!
- Dam is the former #1 Superfit daughter for RZG!!
- Backed by the Gibbon Nancy EX-91-FR cow family
- Heifer with +146 RZG & +132 RZE!
- Your chance to create a RZG Topper!
Blossem x VG-86 Superfit x VG-85 Snowman x FLH Shottle Nena VG-87 x Gibbon Nancy EX-91-FR
Sire: De-Su 13494 HARTLEY | +161 RZG | +2680 GTPI
Dam: FH SHV Nebraska | +146 RZG & +132 RZE
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- FEMALE embryos sired by the #2 dtr proven sire RUBICON!
- Vekis Penda is a super production cow: Proj >10.000 kgM & 3.9% Protein
- Penda is dam to the high Kerrigan dtr Passion @ GTPI +2689
- Maternal sister sold for €17.500 in the HM Sale '14
- Sister to several high RZG bulls like: Phanter, Presto & Powerboss
- Outcross maternal line and HIGH PROTEIN!
VG-86 2yr. Balisto xVG-87 2yr. Numero Uno x VG-88 Xacobeo x VG-87 Stol Joc x VG-86 Laudan x VG-86 Durham
Sire: FEMALE Edg RUBICON | #2 dtr proven sire World Wide!
Dam: Vekis DG Penda VG-86-DE 2yr. | La1 305d 10.353kgM 4.3%F 3.9%P
- Embryos sired by O'Kalif (son of O'Kalibra EX-97)
- Roseanna was GRAND Champion R&W at HHH-Show '14
- This family goes back on D-R-A August EX-96-USA
Big Apple x Zeedieker Roseanna EX-93 (s. Advent) x Buckhorn Acres SRose Red EX-92 (s. September Storm)
Sire: FEMALE GS Alliance O'KALIF RED | Son of O'Kalibra EX-97
Dam: Future Dream H Rosalie Red | Dtr of Zeedieker Roseanna EX-93-NL!
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- A RED Mogul dtr going back on Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-3YR-CAN
- Outcross R&W maternal line: Mogul x Braxton x Pronto x Goldwyn x Lee
- 50% of her offsprings will be RED, regardless her mating!
Mogul x Lis Golda VG-88 (s. Braxton) x Morsan Pronto Fools Gold Red VG-85 (s. Pronto) x Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88
Sire: Wilt EMILIO | Type sensation with +4.00 PTAT
Dam: KWH Goldina-Red (VRC) | Unique RED Mogul dtr
- Embryo's sired by Wa-Del Abs BOURBON: >2700 GTPI with +2.12 PTAT!!
- Bourbon guarantees a huge production: +2253M with +0.01 Protein
- Blair her R&W Mega-Watt son is sold to AI for €10.500
- She is also the dam to DG Blanchetta the former #5 GTPI Mega dtr World Wide!
- The best of the Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95-USA cow family!
Supershot x VG-86 Numero Uno x Rainyridge Super Beth VG-86 x Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95
Sire: Wa-Del Abs BOURBON | +2741 GTPI | +2.12 PTAT
Dam: Lightningridge-RB Blair *RC | Sister to Callbret Supersire Barb *RC
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- Claynook CASPER embryos: GTPI +2859 / RZG 159 / PLI +796 / gNVI 332
- From Hul-Stein Jetty, a Jedi dtr with >3 points PTAT!!
- Great qualities in her index with PTAT +3.01 / +0.07%F / +0.06%P / PL +6 / DPR +2.7
- Great combination which can produce chart topping offspring
Jedi x Halogen x VG-86 3yr. x EX-94 Sanchez x VG-89 Baxter x Ralma Goldwyn Carmel EX-92
Sire: Claynook CASPER | GTPI +2859 / RZG 159 / PLI +796 / gNVI 332
Dam: Hul-Stein Jetty | GTPI +2586 / PTAT +2.96
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- De Oosterhof DG HELIOS embryos: (Doorsopen x Tango x Mogul) - PTAT +3.05 / GTPI +2630
- DG Lovebird is the former #1 GTPI & #3 PTAT Chops in Europe
- Incredible TYPE pedigree: Chops (s. Mogul) x Doorman x Atwood x Shottle
- DG Lovebrid is the full sister to Lambada @ Ascol (PTAT +3.01)
- 3rd dam: Calbrett Shottle Lucy EX-94-USA
- Same family as Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92, Leona EX-96 & more
Chops x Golden-Oaks Lovesong GP-83 (s. Doorman) x Whittier-CF Atwood Love EX-91
Sire: De Oosterhof DG HELIOS | +3.05 PTAT | +2630 GTPI
Dam: OH DG Lovebird | Goes back on Savage-Leigh Licorice EX-92-USA
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- FEMALE KING DOC embryos (+ 4.19 PTAT) of GS Ruegruet Atlee (s. Gold Chip)
- Atlee is a dtr of Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH which was 4th in class @ Swiss Expo '14
- This family goes back on MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA, one of the most succesfull show type cow familys!
- Same family as bulls like: Atwood, Golden Dreams, Archival, Aftershock and many others!
Gold Chip x Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH (s. Jasper) x Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91 x MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | +4.01 PTAT | +2657 GTPI
Dam: GS Ruegruet Atlee | Dtr of Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH
- Early FEMALE TARRINO embryos: GTPI +2899 / NM $ 970 / PTAT +2.48
- From a unique Jedi dtr with outcross maternal line: x Tango x Meridian x Snowman
- Lyana has a unique index: +2458 Milk / +74 Protein / DPR +2.6 / SCE 6.7!!!!
- Huge potential from the fantastic Italian Bertaiola Lidia cow family
- 4th dam is full sister to MINCIO!
Jedi x Tango x Meridian x Ven Dairy Lidia 4 VG-86-NL 2yr. x Bolton x EX Iron x VG Mtoto x EX x VG x VG x EX
Sire: FEMALE Welcome TARRINO 3181 | GTPI +2899 / NM $ 970 / PTAT +2.48
Dam: Rhala EX Lyana | +2458M / +74 PROTEIN / DPR +2.6 / SCE 6.7
- Embryos by S-S-I 1stclass FLAGSHIP from the great offspring of Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN
- Her daughters will be 50% RED - regardless which bull
- Tiara is the dam to TIGER-RED @ ASCOL
- This family brought many show toppers in Canada and Europe!
VG-87 Headliner x Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86 (s. O-Man) x Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88 (s. Goldwyn)
Sire: FEMALE S-S-I 1stclass FLAGSHIP | +2661 GTPI | +2.20 PTAT
Dam: Lis Tiara-Red VG-87-NL *VRC | Going back on Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG-88-CAN
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- Fancy Brady show heifer backed by the Carf Emeraude cow family!
- Elise provides a great type index: +3.43 PTAT
- From the huge transmitting cow family of:
> Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL > Multiple National Show winner
> Capj Irana > 1st European Show Colmar & National Show Winner
> Amarante > 2 x French Cow of the Year!!
Brady x VG-87 Doorman x JK Eder Emeraude 2 VG-88 (s. Uno) x Carf Emeraude EX-91
Sire: FEMALE Woodcrest KING DOC | +4.01 PTAT & +2657 GTPI
Dam: JK Eder DG Elise | Brady heifer with +3.43 PTAT from incredible family
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- Embryo's by one of the highest RC sires: Mr. SALVATORE *RC (s. Supershot)
- From one of the highest RED CARRIER heifers: Rose *RC (s. Rubicon)
- First dtrs of Rose testing huge, dam of the #1 GTPI R&W heifer in Europe: GTPI +2713, sold for € 23.000
- Another R&W dtr of Rose test GTPI +2689 / RZG 155 - believed to be the #2 GTPI R&W heifer in Europe
- Great potential and pedigree for R&W: Salvatore x Rubicon x Aikman x Prudence EX-95 cow family
- Very successful cow family, going back on Mark Prudence EX-95
- Huge R&W potential for R&W
Rubicon x Aikman x VG-85 2yr. x VG-87 Mascol x VG-88 Durham x EX-90 Rudolph x EX-95 Mark
Sire: Mr. SALVATORE *RC | +2629 GTPI | +2.12 PTAT | Red Carrier
Dam: De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC | Top ranking RC heifer!
- Embryos sired by DG CHARLEY!
- Charley is the sire of the #1 GTPI & #1 RZG bull in the World: Charl & Casino
- From the Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 cow family
- Great combination: UNO x PLANET x OMAN x DURHAM!!
VG-86 Numero Uno xVG-86-USA 2yr. Planet x VG-87 Oman x Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92-USA
Sire: FEMALE DG CHARLEY | The former #1 GTPI bull in the breed
Dam: DG Uno Daloria VG-86-NL 2yr. | La1 305d 10.683 kg Milk
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This is a traditional English auction.