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- One of the very few embryos out this heifer: Braedale GOLDWYN embryos out of Bolleholster Appleflap *RC! (+2.10 PTAT / +8 Conformation) (04/22)
- She is an amazing Stone-Front Artist daughter with a really bright future!
- They making her ready for the shows this year!
- Her dam is the amazing show & broodcow: KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA!!
- Apple won multiple titels like Reserve Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2013 and Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2011
- Appleflap *RC is from the same family as the amazing showcows: Shakira EX-97, Miss Apple Snapple EX-96, Ms Delicious EX-94, MS Apples Aleda-Red EX-95 and many more!
- She has 7 EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree!
Stone-Front Artist x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM x Kamps-Hallow Altitude *RC EX-95-USA 2E DOM (s. Durham)
Sire: Braedale GOLDWYN | The sire to many CHAMPIONS and with already 3679 EXCELLENT daughters in Canada
Dam: Bolleholster Appleflap *RC | The Artist daughter straight out of Apple EX-96-USA herself! (+2.10 PTAT / +8 Conformation) (04/22)

- It's showtime! The very first embryos out of Ov Luck-E Kyra-Red: FEMALE Mr. Blondin WARRIOR-RED embryos (#1 PTAT R&W Daughter Proven Sire at +3.59 PTAT)
- Ov Luck-E Kyra-Red is an Altitude-Red daughter out of Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red GP-84-USA 2yr.
- Her grand dam is the tremendous Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA EX-97-MS
- Kandie-Red EX-95 won multiple titels, like:
- Unanimous All-American 5yr. old 2014
- Senior, Best Udder & Reserve R&W Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014
- Red & White Cow of the Year 2014
- Grand Champion National R&W Cow Show 2014. - Kyra her 3rd dam is Luck-E Rubens Kaylie *RC EX-92-USA GMD, she is the dam to Luck-E Advent Kite-Red EX-94-USA - the Reserve Grand Champion Midwest Spring Show 2008
- Kaylie *RC EX-92 is also dam to Luck-E Advent Kalotto EX-92-USA - Grand Champion Illinois State Show 2008
Altitude-Red x Luck-E Jordy Kayla-Red GP-84-USA 2yr. (s. Jordy) x Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA EX-97-MS (s. Advent-Red) x Luck-E Rubens Kayle *RC EX-92-USA GMD
Sire: FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED // He is the #1 PTAT R&W Daughter Proven Sire at +3.59 PTAT / TOP RED AND WHITE PTAT sire!!!
Dam: Ov Luck-E Kyra Red | She is an Altitude-Red grand daughter out of Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95-USA EX-97-MS

- What do you want more? Female Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA embryos out of Jacobs Lautrust Shine!
- Jacobs Lautrust Shine is a Lautrust grand daughter out of the international phenomenon: Embacres Snapple SHAKIRA EX-97-USA!
- Shakira has a long list with winning show:
- Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2021
- 1st Mature Cow National Holstein Show 2021
- Grand Champion Fall Invitational Show 2020
- 1st 5-Year-Old Fall Invitational Show 2020
- 1st Junior 2-Year-Old Royal Winter Fair 2017
- All Canadian Junior 2-Year-Old 2017 - Jacobs Lautrust Shine her dam is a VG-85 2yr. Unix daughter!
- Amazing pedigree with Shakira EX-97-CAN , Miss Apple Snapple EX-95-USA and KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA!!!
Lautrust x Jacobs Unix Shana VG-85-CAN 2yr. old x Embacres Snapple SHAKIRA EX-97-USA (O' Kaliber) x Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-95-USA x KHW Regiment Apple EX-96-USA
Sire: FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA // +2793 GTPI / +2.86 PTAT / +2.91 UDC / +1211 Milk
Dam: Jacobs Lautrust Shine | Lautrust grand daughter out of the phenomenal: Embacres Snapple SHAKIRA EX-97-USA!

- WOW! FEMALE DELTA-LAMBDA embryos (+2.86 PTAT / +2793 GTPI) out of Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA her King Doc daughter!
- BLEXY EX-97-USA won multiple shows like:
- All-American Aged Cow 2017
- All-Canadian Mature Cow 2017
- Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2017
- Grand Champion International Show 2017
- 1st Mature Cow Royal Winter Fair 2017
- Grand Champion WI Championship Show 2017
- Grand Champion NY Int’l Spring Show 2016
- 1st 5 Year Old NY Int’l Spring Show 2016
- Grand Champion WI Championship Show 2016
- Nominated All-American 5 Year Old 2016
- 2nd 4 Year Old Northest Fall National 2015
- 2nd Sr. 2 Year Old Eastern Fall National 2013
- 6th Sr. 2 Year Old International Show 2013 - She is maternal sister to the amazing showcows: MS Sid Blexy EX-94-USA and Blexys Crush Budweiser VG-88-USA 2yr.
- Amazing pedigree with 6 generations VG or Excellent dams!
King doc x Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn EX-97-USA x Rosiers Beyonce Dundee EX-90-USA x Rosiers Burka Triumphant EX-90-USA
Sire: FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA // +2795 GTPI / +2.86 PTAT / +2.91 UDC / +1211 Milk
Dam: Blexys King Doc Bloom | Stunning King Doc daughter straight out the legend: Blexy EX-97-USA!

- SHOW SHOW SHOW! Female Stantons CHIEF embryos out of Hullcrest Unix Aranga!
- She is a showy Unix daughter out of Absolute Goldwyn Avantgarde VG-87-NL 2yr.
- Goldwyn Avantgarde VG-87 was 1st and Junior Champion Great Eccleston 2018 and Nom. All-Britian!
- Her grand dam is Absolute Doorman Tangfastic VG-87-UK La2., - Full sister to Absolute Doorman Aringadingding VG-88-UK EX-90-F&L La2. and Kingsway Doorman Andrea EX-91-USA!
- 3rd dam is the amazing and multiple showwinner: Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA
- Honerable Mention All-Canadian 4yr. old 2014
- Res. All-Ontario Mature Cow 2016
- 2nd Mature Cow Ontario Summer Show 2016
- 3rd Royal Winter Fair 2014
Unix x Absolute Goldwyn Avantgarde VG-87-NL 2yr. (s. Goldwyn) x Absolute Doorman Tangfastic VG-87-UK La2. (s. Doorman) x Kingsway Sanchez Arangatang EX-95-USA
Sire: FEMALE Stantons Chief (A2A2) | +11 Conf. sire to multiple show winners on the coloured shavings! | +2.07 PTAT
Dam: Hullcrest Unix Aranga | Showy Unix great grand daughter out of Kingsway Sanchez Aranga EX-95-USA!

- #3 FMEALE embryos out of the 3STAR OH RANGER-RED from RED CARRIER Altitude-Red daughter De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC!
- 3STAR OH RANGER-RED is the #1 GTPI R&W Sire of the moment at +2870 GTPI!! (04/22)
- De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC is a grand daughter out of the 'one million dollar cow' : APPLE EX-96-USA!
- She has 3.17 PTAT and +11 Conformation!
- De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC her dam is maternal sister to Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA, she is Grand Champion Midwest Nat'l R&W show 2019
- Apple was one of the most influential R&W cows of the past decade for the Holstein industry!
- APPLE was Res Grand Champion, Grand Int'l R&W Show 2013, 2013 HI Red Impact Cow of the Year, All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011, HI World Champion R&W Cow 2010 & multiple more!
Altitude-Red x Apple-PTS Aubrlyanna VG-85-USA 2yr. (s. King Doc) x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM
Sire: FEMALE 3STAR OH RANGER-RED // He is the #1 GTPI R&W Sire of the moment at +2870 GTPI! (04/22)
Dam: De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC | +3.22 PTAT and +11 Conformation | Altitude-Red grand daughter out of APPLE EX-96-USA

- FEMALE CHIEF (+11 Conf. / +2.07 PTAT) (exclusively) embryos out of the 6th placed cow at the European Championship in Libramont!
- Esmeralda has the EXCELLENT score and very successful show cow:
> Res. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show '16
> 1st Intermediate Cow National NRM Show '17
> Champion Mariënwaerdt '16 & Res. Champion '17
> Res. Champion Hoornaar '16
> Udder Champion Noordeloos '18
> 6th place European Show Libramont 2019 - A daughter of the French National Champion Carf Emeraude EX-91-FR!!
- Emeraude is nominated for Dutch Cow of the Year 2022!
- Full sister to the Grand Champion UK Dairy Show 2022: Riverdane Doorman Elke VG-89-UK EX-MS (MAX)!!!
EX-92 EX-94-MS Doorman x EX-91 Goldwyn x VG-88-FR Shottle x VG-89 2yr. x EX-90 xVG-89 x EX-93 x EX-94
Sire: FEMALE Stantons Chief (A2A2) | +11 Conf. sire to multiple show winners on the coloured shavings! | +2.07 PTAT
Dam: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS | 6th in her section European Show Libramont 2019

- Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA (+2793 GTPI // +2.86 PTAT) embryos straight out of the:
- 2-Yr Old Champion Fokveedag Hoornaar 2019
- 1st place 2-Yr Old FVZH-Noordeloos '20
- MAX-scored 3-Yr Old: JK Eder DG Byway Eliza VG-89-NL 3yr. (MAX) - Tracing back to the French National Champion and multiple show winner: Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL.
VG-89-NL 3yr. (MAX) Byway x JK Eder DG Elisa VG-87-NL (s. Doorman) x JK Eder Emeraude 2 VG-88-NL (s. Numero Uno) x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL (s. Goldwyn)
Sire: FEMALE Farnear DELTA-LAMBDA | +2793 GTPI / +2.86 PTAT / +2.91 UDC / +1211 Milk
Dam: JK Eder DG Eliza 1 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX) | Champion Fokveedag Hoornaar 2019 and Final 6 at HHH Show 2019!!

- One of the finest Red & White modern TYPE dairy cows in the Netherlands and EXCELLENT 4-Yr Old!
- Your chance on a R&W daughter out of the the Res. Intermediate Champion R&W Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt 2021
- Backed by 10 gen. EX-dams going back on the 'Queen of the Breed': Glenridge C Citation Roxy EX-97!
- Projected with >13.000kgM & 3.7% Protein in 305 days!
EX-90-NL 4yr. Apoll P-Red x GP-84 2yr. Brekem *RC x Alchemy *RC x Morningview Super Roxy *RC EX-90-USA DOM
Sire: FEMALE Kcck AMARETTO-RED // +2.87 PTAT // + 13 Conf. // Jordy-Red x Integral *RC x APPLE
Dam: JK Eder Rocca Roxinne 1 EX-90-NL 4yr. | Res. Intermediate Champion R&W 2021 backed by Glenridge Citation Roxy!

- Progenesis MONTEVERDI (A2A2) embryos out of the former #35 GTPI heifer in Europe: JW Onna Bugheisa (A2A2)
- Monteverdi A2A2 is the #8 RZG Genomic sire at +161 RZG with +124 RZE and +2987 GTPI with +1021 NM$ (04/22)
- JW Onna Bugheisa (A2A2) scores amazing in her German index and het American index: +2878 GTPI and +154 RZG (04/22)
- Parent average in these embryos: +2932 GTPI and +158 RZG (04/22)
Einstein x A-L-H Sushi (s. Rolan) x A-L-H Solero (s. Delta) x Triplecrown-AI SSire 874 GP-82-USA 2yr.
Sire: Progenesis Monteverdi (A2A2) | He is the #8 RZG Genomic sire at +161 RZG / +2987 GTPI with +1021 NM$ /
Dam: JW Onna Bugeisha | She is the #3 Einstein daughter in the WORLD with +2878 GTPI, +943 NM$ and +1331kgM (04/22)

- FEMALE Jersey embryos by the Jersey: DOWNTOWN BROWN!!
- Donor Tamika 2792 was 3rd 4-Yr Old at this year's California State Jersey Show
- Directly from 9 generations Very Good or EXCELLENT scored cows!!
- Deep Canadian cow family going back on Maplevale Furor Tamika EX-94-CAN
- Res. Int. Champion Royal Agriculture Winter Fair 2007
EX-93-USA (MAX) Joel x Sunset Canyon Topeka Tamika 225 EX-91 x VG-86 x Maplevale Furor Tamika EX-94-CAN x EX-90 x EX-93
Sire: FEMALE Rapid Bay DOWNTOWN BROWN | OUTCROSS / Applejack x EX-94 x EX-92 x EX-94 x Ron-Net Maple Dorie Dee EX-95
Dam: Sunset Canyon Joel Tamika 2792 EX-93-USA (MAX)% | 3rd 4-Yr Old Cow California State Jersey Show 2021
Sold for
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- Donor Mayhem sold for $11,600 in the All-American Jersey Sale 2018!
- Direct daughter of the Grand Champion Wisconsin Spring 2019: Edgelea Tequila Madison EX-93-USA%
- Madison was also:
> Grand Champion WI Spring Jersey Show 2018
> All-American Sr. 3-Yr Old '16
> 1st & BU 4-Yr Old H.M. Senior Champion Jersey World Dairy Expo 2017!! - Full sister to: Milksource Gentry Marriot - Supreme Jr. Champion World Dairy Expo 2018
VG-85-USA% 2yr. Gentry x Edgebrook Tequila Madison EX-93-USA% x Edgebrook Stylemaster Merlot EX-95-USA x VG-87 x EX-90
Sire: FEMALE River Valley Circus CRAZE | +61 JPI / +2.00 PTAT / A2A2 / Lemonhead x Pharoah x Valentino
Dam: Milksource Gentry Mayhem VG-85-USA% 2yr. | Full sister to the Supreme Jr. Champion World Dairy Expo 2018

- FEMALE Lightning Ridge FERDINAND (+15 JPI) from Karlies Response Keatin EX-90-USA%
- Dam Page-Crest Excitation Karlie EX-95-USA% won:
> Reserve Intermediate Champion, World Dairy Expo 2012,
> Intermediate Champion & Reserve Grand, Royal Winter Fair 2012
> Grand Champion Jersey, World Dairy Expo 2013
> All-American and All-Canadian Sr. 3 Year-Old
> Grand Champion Jersey & Supreme Champion Cow, Royal Winter Fair 2013
> Sold for $170,000! - Maternal sister to: Karlies Giller EX-92-USA%
EX-90-USA% Response x Page-Crest Excitation Karlie EX-95-USA% x Karson 222 of Page-Crest EX-90-USA%
Sire: FEMALE Lightning Ridge FERDINAND (A2A2) | +0.90 PTAT / +15 JPI / Viral x VG-88 Celebrity x EX-90 Senior
Dam: Karlies Response Keatin EX-90-USA% | Response x Page-Crest Excitation Karlie EX-95-USA% (Grand WDE and Royal Winter Fair 2013)

- FEMALE CASINO (+1.90 PTAT / A2A2 / BB) embryos - the very best of the JERSEY breed
- Grand dam was Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Fair '10
- Same family as: Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN - All-Canadian & Grand Champion Royal '02 & '04!
VG-85 2yr. Barbares x VG-87-DE 2yr. Sultan x BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA (s. Remake) x Fillpail Sparkle Margaret EX-94-USA (s. Sparkler)
Sire: FEMALE Elliotts Regency CASINO (A2A2 / BB) | The SHOW sire to JERSEY show winners!! // +1.90 PTAT
Dam: Noorder ARGH Barnabas S VG-85-NL 2yr. | Daughter of BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA

- Amazing embryos: FEMALE Aurora MITCHELL (+2805 GTPI and +2.58 PTAT) out of DG DGF Bizzey-Red (+2.03 PTAT / +1332 kgM)
- Bizzey is maternal sister to the #3 *RC GTPI sire of the moment: DG DGF Boraz *RC (+2886 GTPI / +2.17 PTAT / +1188kgM) (04/22)
- Amazing chance on a RED CARRIER Mitchell daughter!
- Her dam is Blumenfeld Jedi Resolve daughter DG Brillant
- Her grand dam is the famous broodcow: Ms DG Delta Bridgett EX-93-USA EX-92-MS!
- Bridgett has multiple progeny in the top rankings for RED CARRIER and traces back to the Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA family
Rubels-Red x DG Brilliant (s. Resolve) x Ms DG Delta Bridgett EX-93-USA EX-92-MS (s. Delta) x Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Aurora MITCHELL | His first milking 2yr. olds looks amazing! / OUTCROSS / +2.58 PTAT / +2805 GTPI
Dam: DG DGF Bizzey | Amazing Rubels-Red daughter and grand daughter Ms DG Delta Bridgett EX-93-USA EX-92-MS

- Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat daughter with +2755 GTPI / +762 NM$ / +0.08%P / +1.60 PTAT
- Donor is maternal sister to Westcoast Prsuit Abyss 9344 (+2907 GTPI)
- 10 generations VG or EXCELLENT dams!
- Tracing back to the Morningview Converse Judy EX-93-USA GMD DOM family!
- The first Mitchell daughters look very promising and are classified with VG-88 2yr. old!
Aristocrat x Farnear Dynasty Abyss x Farnear Abby Delt 31523 GP-82-USA x OCD Shan Abby 8729 VG-86-USA
Sire: FEMALE Aurora MITCHELL | His first milking 2yr. olds looks amazing! / OUTCROSS / +2.58 PTAT / +2805 GTPI
Dam: DG Alana | Amazing Aristocrat daughter with no holes in her index from the Morningview Converse Judy EX-93 fam

- Exciting MARS P-RED embryos: POLLED / A2A2/ +146 RZG / +0.20%F / +277 NVI
- Great German index: +1215 Milch / +124 Euter / +138 RZM / 117 RZN / 132 RZE (04/22)
- Dam is sister to K&L Palace-Red @ RUW / VOST
- Same family as Wilder Kanu P-Red @ Semex
Solitair P-Red x Pace-Red x Wilder K41 *RC VG-87-DE (s. Board) x Wilder K25 Red EX-90-NL (s. Brekem *RC)
Sire: MBL MARS RED-P | A2A2 / POLLED / +146 RZG / +0.20%F / +123 Udders / +277 NVI
Dam: K&L ST Kantika-Red | +145 RZG / +142 RZM (04/22) / +264 NVI (12/21) // Solitair P-Red x Pace-Red x Board
This is a traditional English auction.