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- Unique opportunity! River Valley CeCe CHROME embryos (+1.90 PTAT) out of Ratliff Sambo Daphne EX-95-USA%!
- Great pedigree: EX-95 Sambo x EX-95 Primetime x EX-97 Centurion x VG-87 x SUP EX-92 6E x SUP EX x EX-91 x EX-90!
- Her dam is Arethusa Primetime Deja Vu EX-95-USA% - Senior Champion Kansas State Fair '12
- 2nd dam is the 2x Supreme Champion, 3x Grand Champion & 2x Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo: Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA%
- Her dam is sister to the great showcow: Arethusa Response Vivid EX-96-USA%, she is dam to Arethusa Tequila Vision EX-95-USA%, the Res. All-American Lifetime Cheese Cow '19, NASCO Type & Production Winner, International Jersey Show '19 and more!
Sambo x Arethusa Primetime Deja Vu EX-95-USA% x Huronia Centurion Veronica EX-97-USA%
Sire: River Valley Cece CHROME (A2A2) | +1.90 PTAT / Daughter proven sire with many show winning daughters
Dam: Ratliff Sambo Daphne EX-95-USA% | Great EX-95 Sambo grand daughter to Huronia Sambo Daphne EX-97-USA%!

- Great RED&WHITE FEMALE embryos of Blondin Willows P-Red (+2.70 PTAT) x RH Altitude Indy RED!
- Your chance on a red&white female from potential 11. generations EXCELLENT.. anything more you can ask for?!
- She is an Altitude-Red daughter straight out Pamperd-Acres AB Ivy-Red EX-94-USA, she won multiple titles, like:
- Senior & Reserve Grand Champion Illinois State Fair '19
- Nominee All-American R&W 4yr. old '18
- Grand Champion Illinois State '18
- 1st Sr. 2yr. old, Grand Champion & Supreme Champion Illinois State Holstein Show '16
- Junior Champion Illinois State Holstein Show '15
Altitude-Red x Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red EX-94-USA (s. Absolute-Red) x Greenlea-TM Real AB-Red EX-93-USA 2E (s. Reality-Red) x Cherrie-Kreek Beulah-Red EX-92-USA
Sire: Blondin WILLOWS-RED | +2.70 PTAT / Mirand PP *RC brother to WARRIOR-RED / NO APPLE / NO CLONE
Dam: RH Altitude Indy Red | Great RED&WHITE; Altitude-Red daughter straight out of the Grand Champion Illinois State Holstein Show '19: Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red EX-94-USA!
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- GREAT CHANCE!!! FEMALE Gen PERCIVAL (+3114 GTPI / +1122 DWP$ / +4654 PFT) embryos out of Gen Alisa VG-86-NL VG-87-MS La1!!
- Parent avarage in these embryos: +2940 GTPI!!
- Donor is dam to the DG Hit (A2A2), she is the #6 GTPI Calf (<9 Months) at +3071 GTPI and +2.01 PTAT (12/22)
- Kappa Casein: BB / Beta Casein: A2A2
- Gen Alisa VG-86-NL La1. is grand daughter to the Nominee Polled Impact Competition '22: Wilder Herz P EX-90-DE!!
- Wilder Herz P EX-90-DE is dam to the daughter proven sires: Wilder Hotspot P and Wilder Hansa P!
- Going back to the European 2yr. old Champion '06: Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE
Hotspot P x Wilder Hit *PO (s. Answer *PO) x Wilder Herz P EX-90-DE (s. Powerball) x Wilder Hira VG-85-DE 2yr. x CCC Snowman Konny VG-85-DE 2yr. x CCC Goldwyn Konny VG-87-DE 2yr. x Batke Outside Kora EX-94-DE
NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Total AiDol semen, buyer will have to sign the AiDol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped.
Sire: FEMALE GEN PERCIVAL (A2A2) | +3114 GTPI / +1.56 PTAT / +2127kgM / +1122 DWP$ / +4654 PFT (Italy) (12/22) / Top 20 Top 200 TPI Genomic Young Bulls!!!
Dam: Gen Alisa VG-86-NL VG-87-MS La1. | Great Hotspot P grand daughter to Wilder Herz P EX-90-DE with a HUGE milkproduction!

- Wet Faneca MARTIN (+3010 GTPI / +985 NM$ / +1.77 PTAT / +1184kgM) embryos out of Gen NH Barista VG-85-NL VG-86-MS 2yr.
- Parent average in these embryos: +2868 GTPI
- Barista is recently classified with VG-85-NL 2yr. with VG-86 for her Mammary System!
- Her current day production >40 kgM and her 305 day production: >11.000kgM
- Barista VG-85 2yr. is dam to DG Bisma, she is the #15 GTPI and #6 NM$ calf (<9 Months) in Europe at +3058 GTPI and +1144 NM$ (12/22)
- Tracing back to Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN
Aristocrat x Aardema Sunset Beauty (s. Rockstar) x MS BvF DR Spring VG-85-USA (s. AltaSpring)
NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Total AiDol semen, buyer will have to sign the AiDol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped.
Sire: Wet Faneca MARTIN | +3010 GTPI / +985 NM$ / +1.77 PTAT / +1184kgM | Faneca x Renegade x Matters
Dam: Gen NH Barista VG-85-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. | Aristocrat daughter at +2726 GTPI from the Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 23* family

- Amazing embryos and chance on a RED or RED CARRIER bull or heifer!
- THI Shout *RC (+159 RZG / +318 gNVI) embryos from one of the highest Star P *RC daughters: Wilder Kayden-Red
- Wilder Kayden-Red scores in her Dutch, German and US index amazing: +156 RZG, +338 gNVI and +2637 GTPI with a positive DPR! (12/22)
- From the deep German Wilder K cow family
- This family delivers bulls to A.I. all the time!
- 3rd dam is maternal sister to Wilder Kanu P Red @ Semex.
Star P *RC x Wilder Kane P *RC VG-85-DE 2yr. (s. Solitair P Red) x Wilder K31 VG-87-DE La3. (s. Lighter) x Wilder K25 Red EX-90-DE
Sire: THI SHOUT *RC | Red Carrier Sputnik son at +159 RZG / +118 RZE / +1248kgM / +0.20% Fat - December 2022
Dam: Wilder Kayden Red | +156 RZG RED&WHITE; heifer from the deep German Wilder K family! | +156 RZG / +338 gNVI with +106 for TYPE / +2637 GTPI (12/22)

- #3 Grade A Westcoast GD Blakely embryos (+2992 GTPI / +2.87 PTAT) embryos out of JB Toullec Salerne!
- Salerne is a Captivating daughter with +3483 gLPI in her Canadian index, parent avarage in these embryos: 3639 gPLI!
- She has in her French index: +224 GD Merit and +199 ISU!
- Her 3rd dam is the great transmitting PTAT female: Madona Du Bois de Pins VG-87-FR 2yr.
Captivating x JB Toullec Palerme VG-85-FR 2yr. (s. Aristocrat) x Drakkar Hot Manon VG-88-FR VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Hotline) x Madona Du Bois De Pins VG-87-FR 2yr.
Sire: Westcoast GD BLAKELY | +2992 GTPI / +2.87 PTAT Gameday son!
Dam: JB Toullec Salerne | Captivating daughter with in her French index: +224 GD Merit / +199 ISU and in her American index: +2790 GTPI / +1.40 PTAT (12/22)

- Great GENOMIC embryos: HET Cap GREAT (+2947 GTPI / +1.66 PTAT) embryos out of HET Star Chelly P!
- Donor is a great and topranking Star P daughter from an alternative bloodline of the Larcrest Cosmopolitan family!
- She is maternal sister to the great allrounder in multiple systems and Topseller of the 31. Highlight Sale: HET Cherise!
- This family delivered many heifers who are ranking high in multiple systems!
Star P *RC x HET Ken Cheyenne VG-86-NL 2yr. (s. Kenobi) x HET Sound Chenile VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. x Diepenhoek Rozelle VG-87-NL
Sire: HET Cap GREAT | +2947 GTPI / +1.66 PTAT Captivating son from the Diepenhoek Rozelle family | Great balanced profile! (12/22)
Dam: HET Star Chelly P | Polled Star P *RC daughter and maternal sister to the topseller of the 31. Highlight Sale: HET CHERISE!
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- DG OH Doble *RC (+1149kgM / +2702 GTPI / +1.84 PTAT) embryos of HET Sound Chenile VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
- HET Sound Chenile VG-86-NL 2yr. is grand dam to the Topseller at the 31. Highlight sale and great allrounder who is topping in several indexes: HET Cherise (+166 RZG)
- The dam to: HET SC Charlene VG-86-DE 2yr. - sold for 29.000 EUR as a maiden heifer!!
- Charlene her Gladius son going to A.I. as well progeny testing >3000 GTPI!!
- An alternative bloodline of the Larcrest Cosmopolitan family!
Sound System x Diepenhoek Chanel VG-87-NL (s. Balisto) x Roccfarm Beacon Chrissy VG-87-NL 2yr. x Larcrest Chenile VG-86-USA 2yr.
Sire: DG OH DOBLE *RC | Daughter proven sire at +2702 GTPI / 1.84 PTAT / +1149 Milk
Dam: HET Sound Chenile VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | Dam to: HET SC Charlene VG-86-DE 2yr. - sold for 29.000 EUR

- GRADE A Bender embryos from the EXCELLENT show cow sired by Blooming
- On the third generation the 6x Grand Champion of the World Dairy Expo, the LEGEND: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
- Donor was Grand Champion at the Digital German Dairy Show 2021
- Grand dam was 1st. Senior Cow & H.M. Grand Champion UK National Show 2013
- Donor is sister to Calvin Sanchia Maria VG-89-UK EX-MS - Grand Champion & Best Udder UK Dairy Day
Blooming x Old Mill Starbuck Spottie EX-94-UK (s. Starbuck) x Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-94-USA
Sire: P. Livello Bive BENDER | +915kgM with +123 TYPE!!!!
Dam: Kedar Blooming Snickers EX-90-DE EX-MS | Grand Champion German Dairy Show Digital '21 and Champion Reg. Area Show '18

- Female Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (A2A2) (+3380 GPLI / +16 Conformation (#5 Conformation Genomic sire) / +3.18 PTAT) embryos straight out of the multiple show winner: JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL EX-91-MS
- JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL EX-91-MS won multiple titles, like:
- Classwinner and Reserve Senior Champion Wintershow Etten-Leur '23
- 1st place Sr. Cow Fokveedag Hoornaar '22
- 1st place Sr. Cows at Fokveedag Hoornaar '22
- 1st, Best Udder and Reserve Intermediate Champion Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt '21
- 1st place Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt '19 - Her VG-89-NL 2yr. Medley daughter was Intermediate Champion and Grand Champion Fokveedag Oldebroek '22
- Tracing back to Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90-IT
Jedi x JK Eder Eva 1 VG-88-NL EX-MS 4yr. (s. President) x HS Mogul Eva GP-NL 2yr. (s. Mogul) x Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) | +3.18 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3380 LPI (12/22) / Delta-Lambda son out of the classwinner 3yr. old WDE: Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA
Dam: JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL EX-91-MS | Classwinner and Reserve Senior Champion Wintershow Etten-Leur '23
#11 —
FEMALE embryos: #2 Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) x JK Eder DG Carmen 10 VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.

- SHOW SHOW SHOW! Female Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) (+3.18 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3380 PLI) embryos out of the very young and promising JK Eder DG Carmen 10 VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
- She was 4th in the youngest class with 2yr. olds at the National HHH-Show '22
- She is the maternal sister to the tremendous JK Eder DG Carmen 5 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. - A huge achievement: 2x Grand Champion as 2yr. old and classwinner 2yr. olds & 2yr. old Reserve Champion National HHH-Show '22
- From the amazing Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL cow family!
Crushtime x JK Eder DG Carmen 2 VG-85-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. (s. Solomon) x DG JK Eder Carmen (s. Atwood) x JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS (s. Doorman) x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL (s. Goldwyn)
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) | Delta-Lambda son out of the classwinner 3yr. old WDE: Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA | +3.18 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3380 LPI (12/22)
Dam: JK DG Carmen 10 VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | Very young and promising Crushtime daughter! | 4th in her class with 2yr. olds at the National HHH-Show '22

- WOW! It's showtime! Female Blondin TOWER-RED (+3.24 PTAT/ +13 Conformation / +142 ITP) embryos out of the very promising Wilcor Attraction O'Kina Red VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.
- Amazing sire stack: Attraction-Red x EX-91 Awesome-Red x EX-90 Sid x EX-97 Iron
- Her dam was 2nd in her class with 3yr. olds at the German Dairy Show '19
- Her great grand dam is the most influential cow of Switzerland: Decrausaz Iron O'Kalibra EX-97-CH!!
- O'Kalibra EX-97 was also European Champion '13 & Triple Grand Champion Swiss Expo '15, '13 & '12.
Attraction-Red x Wilcor Awesome O'Kamera EX-91-DE EX-91-MS (s. Awesome) x GS Alliance Sid O'Kamila *RC EX-90-DE (s. Sid) x Decrausaz Iron O'Kalibra EX-97-CH
Sire: FEMALE Blondin TOWER-RED | Populair RED SIRE at +3.24 PTAT / +13 Conformation / +142 ITP | Altitude x MS Apple Anara VG-88-CAN x KHW Regiment APPLE-RED EX-96
Dam: Wilcor Attraction O'Kina Red VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Very promising Attraction daughter straight out of 4 generations EXCELLENT dams from the Kalibra EX-97 family!

- Unique chance to get your OWN Arrow from Sheeknoll Durham Arrow EX-96-USA 2E her Solomon dtr!!
- Golden-Oaks MASTER (+3.76 PTAT / +14 Conformation) shows great 2yr. olds in America and they looks very promising!
- Arrow 'Thomas' was Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2016, Grand Champion Midwest Fall National '16,
- Unamimous All-American Agend Cow '16 & many more!!
Solomon x Sheeknoll Durham Arrow EX-96-USA 2E x Sheeknoll Pronto Venture VG-85-USA x Sheeknoll Stormin Roswel VG-85-USA
Sire: Golden-Oaks MASTER | Great Daughter Proven sire at +3.76 PTAT and +14 Conformation!!
Dam: Sheeknoll HET Solomon Arriba | Direct dtr of ARROW EX-96-USA - Grand Champion WDE 2016

- Braedale GOLDWYN embryos from the RED CARRIER Katrysha offspring!
- Braedale Goldwyn sired many BIG show winners and have already 3679 EXCELLENT daughters in Canada!
- Grand dam is an EX-93 SID sister to the SUPREME CHAMPION WDE '15: Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96
- Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96-USA EX-97-MS won multiple big titles:
> Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2015
> Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2014
> Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014
> All-American Aged Cow 2015
> Unanimous All-American 5-Yr Old 2014
> 1st Midwest Spring National 2018 & more! - Same family as Comestar Doorman O'Katrysha EX-93-CH La3.
> One of the most admired SHOW COWS in Europe right now!
> Res. Intermediate Champion Swiss Expo 2020
> Junior Champion B&W European Show Libramont 2019
Unstopabull-Red x VG-85 2yr. Beemer x Lovhill Sid Kiesha EX-93-CAN (s. Sid) x Bienert Encouter Kim EX-90-CAN x Bienert Inspiration Kesha VG-87-CAN x VG-86 Sheik x VG-85 Starlite x EX
Sire: Braedale GOLDWYN | The sire to many CHAMPIONS
Dam: HET Unst Kiesha *RC | Unstopabull x VG-85 2yr. Beemer from the EX-93 sister to KATRYSHA EX-96
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- #2 FEMALE Warrior (+3.20 PTAT / +9 Conformation) embryos out of a RED CARRIER Altitude-Red grand daughter to Apple EX-96-USA
- The first milking 2yr. olds sired by Warrior looks promising!
- Your ticket to the showring
- You can't get any closer to the LEGEND herself APPLE EX-96-USA! She is an Altitude-Red (not available in Europe) daughter at +3.17 PTAT and +11 Conformation!
- De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC her dam is maternal sister to Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA, she is Grand Champion Midwest Nat'l R&W show 2019
- Apple was one of the most influential R&W cows of the past decade for the Holstein industry!
- APPLE was Res Grand Champion, Grand Int'l R&W Show 2013, 2013 HI Red Impact Cow of the Year, All-American R&W Aged Cow 2011, HI World Champion R&W Cow 2010 & multiple more!
Altitude-Red x Apple-PTS Aubrlyanna VG-85-USA 2yr. (s. King Doc) x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM
Sire: FEMALE Mr Blondin WARRIOR-RED // +3.20 PTAT and +9 Conformation / TOP RED AND WHITE PTAT sire!!! / Avalanche *RC son
Dam: De Wildsheuvel Aubergine *RC | +3.17 PTAT and +11 Conformation | Altitude-Red grand daughter out of APPLE EX-96-USA

- OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: #2 FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (+3380 GPLI / +16 Conformation (#5 Conformation Genomic sire) / +3.18 PTAT) embryos out of JK Eder Darlina EX-90-NL EX-91-MS 5yr.
- JK Eder Darlina EX-90-NL EX-91-MS 5yr. won multiple shows:
- Res. Champion 2yr. old Hoornaar 2018
- 1st place in the oldest 2yr. old class & Best Udder Wintershow Zuid-Holland 2019 - Her dam is full sister to the Supreme Champion Swiss Expo 2017: DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH!
- DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH was also Grand Champion Expo Bulle 2018 and is dam to Darlingo @Masterrind
- Your chance on embryos with an AMAZING pedigree with 8 VG or EXCELLENT dams!
Doorman x JK Eder DG Gold Chip Darling EX-90-NL x Mr. Sam Darling VG-89-NL x Meadows-LLC BWM Dancia VG-88-USA
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) | Delta-Lambda son out of the classwinner 3yr. old WDE: Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA | +3.18 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3380 LPI (12/22)
Dam: JK DG Darlina EX-90-NL EX-91-MS 5yr. | Res. Champion 2yr. old Hoornaar 2018 out of the full sister to DH Gold Chip Darling EX-96-CH
This is a traditional English auction.