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- Female Farnear Aircraft *RC (+3.80 PTAT / +13 Conf.) embryos out of Petton Aretha Red (+3.42 PTAT / +12 Conf.)
- Donor is the #12 R&W PTAT female in Europe at +3.42 PTAT
- Her sister, JB Toullec Alexa-Red is classified with VG-87-FR 2yr.
- Tracing back to the 'One Million Dollar Cow': KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA
- She is from the same family as Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-96-USA and Erbacres Snapple Shakira EX-97-CAN
Altitude-Red x Cycle Jordy Alexa-Red VG-85-USA 2yr. x MS Apple Aretha *RC EX-92-USA EX-MS 4yr. (s. Integral *RC) x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA 28* 4E DOM
Sire: FEMALE Farnear AIRCRAFT *RC | +3.80 PTAT / +13 Conf. sire and can bring you the next showwinner!
Dam: Petton Aretha Red | She is the #12 R&W PTAT female in Europe at +3.42 PTAT and +12 Conformation (08/23)

- FEMALE Siemers Wolf HULU *RC (+2911 GTPI / +3.91 PTAT) embryos out of Gen Balencia VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
- Gen Balencia VG-88-NL 2yr., has still +3.35 PTAT with +12 Conformation and is dam to a +2783 GTPI / +2.97 PTAT Parfect daughter! (08/23)
- Donor is full sister to Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr., she is the #4 PTAT cow (>2 Years) in Europe at +4.11 PTAT and is dam to DG Blackburn at +15 Conformation!!
- Tracing back to the Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA cow family!
- Same family as Midas-Touch Montery 1127 EX-94-CAN 4yr., 1st place Maryland State Fair Holstein Show 2023
Haniko x Gen Brylo VG-86-DE VG-89-MS 2yr. (s. Undenied) x Col DG Brylin VG-86-DE 2yr. (s. Crush) x Oh-River-Syc Mogal Brylan VG-87-USA 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Siemers Wolf HULU *RC | Wolfgang P *RC x Luster P x Doc | +2911 GTPI / +3.91 PTAT / +11 Conf. / +3582 gLPI (08/23)
Dam: Gen Balencia VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Haniko daughter, ready for the upcoming shows! | +3.35 PTAT and +12 Conf.! (08/23)
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- Female Stgen Redlea *RC (+3067 GTPI / +1067 NM$ / +1.81 PTAT) embryos out of BWN Maartje *RC
- Her dam is a VG-88-NL 2yr. old sired by Moovin *RC
- Her 3rd dam was Reserve Senior Champion Hoornaar Show 2018 and Topseler of the Wynford Dispersal 2017 for 18,000gns!
- Straight out of 16th generations VG or EXCELLENT dams!
Showtime *RC x BWN Mona *RC VG-88-NL 2yr. (s. Moovin *RC) x BWN Doorman Elly x Wynford Sanchez Erle 10 EX-93-UK EX-96-MS x Wynford Damion Erle 3 EX-94-UK x Wynford Goldwyn Erle EX-95-UK
Sire: FEMALE Stgen REDLEA *RC (A2A2) | The #1 gTPI *RC sire of the MOMENT at +3067 GTPI / +1067 NM$ / +1.81 PTAT (08/23)
Dam: BWN Maartje *RC | Fancy Showtime *RC dtr from Wynford Sanchez Erle EX-93-UK!

- Get a RED&WHITE and POLLED heifer from the Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA cow family
- Donor: Oelhorst HiPo Aug Ria Red Pp is the #4 gNVI Augustus P Red daughter and the #2 POLLED Augustus P Red dtr at +145 RZG! (08/23) with +506 INET, UNIQUE!
- Member PP Red is a +154 RZG Polled sire and the #2 Homozygous Polled and Red&White sire in Germany!
- She is from the same family as the daughter proven sire: DG OH Topstone @ Synetics and DV DG Rammstein-Red @ AI-Total
- 2nd dam was nominated for 'Red Impact cow of the Year 2020', is grand dam to the former #1 R&W GTPI sire: Ranger-Red @ Semex and dam to Red Impact Cow 2021: Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86-NL 2yr.
Augustus P Red x Bouw Andy Raisa-Red GP-83-NL 2yr. (s. Andy-Red) x Bouw Apprentice Rosanne *RC GP-82-NL 2yr. (s. Apprentice) x De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC VG-89-NL EX-MS 5yr.
Sire: Tirsvad 3STAR MEMBER PP RED | With +154 RZG and +2299 gRZ€ the nr. 2 Homozygous Polled and Red&White; sire in Germany! (08/23)
Dam: Oelhorst HiPo Aug Ria RED Pp | The #4 gNVI R&W Augustus P Red daughter and the #2 POLLED R&W Augustus P Red dtr at +145 RZG! (08/23)

- This is an unique chance! Female Vogue Illustrator P *RC (+2.94 PTAT / +11 Conformation) embryos out of the #2 PTAT Siemers Stars *RC daughter in Europe: Petton Dana Red (+2.69 PTAT / +9 Conformation)
- Petton Dana Red her grand dam: Hahncrest Atw Danica *RC EX-91-CAN is the dam to Blondin Avalanche Darleen VG-88-CAN 3yr.
- Darleen VG-88-CAN 3yr. is dam to Blondin Daredevil @Blondinsires and has an amazing victory list, with winning:
- 1st place Milking 1yr. old Royal Winter Fair 2019
- Honorable Mention Jr. Champion Royal Winter Fair 2018
- Jr. Champion Supreme Laitier R&W 2018
- Jr. Champion Quebec Spring R&W 2019
- Res. All-Canadian Milking 1yr. old 2019 - Petton Dana Red her 4th dam, MS Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA is dam to the stunning MS D Apple Danielle-Red EX-95-USA!
- MS D Apple Danielle-Red EX-95-USA is dam to the great R&W sensation: Mr. Danielle Devour and maternal sister to Mr. D Apple Diamondback @ Select Sires.
- This great family is tracing back to the 'One Million Dollar Cow': KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA!
Siemers Stars *RC x Garay LB Danica-Red VG-86-FR 2yr. (s. Altitude-Red) x Hahncrest Atw Danica *RC EX-91-CAN (s. Atwood) x MS D Apple Dreamer EX-90-USA (s. Shottle) x MS Delicious Apple-Red EX-94-USA
Sire: FEMALE Vogue ILLUSTRATOR P *RC | +2.94 PTAT Luster P grand son to the great polled broodcow: Calbrett Kingboy Miranda P EX-93-USA!
Dam: Petton Dana Red | +2.69 PTAT / +9 Conformation Stars *RC grand daughter to Hahncrest Atw Danica EX-91-CAN - the dam to Blondin Avalanche Darleen VG-88-CAN 3yr.

- FEMALE Kings-Ransom DROPBOX (+3003 GTPI / +3.27 PTAT) embryos out of Gen Balencia VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
- Gen Balencia VG-88-NL 2yr., has still +3.35 PTAT with +12 Conformation and is dam to a +2783 GTPI / +2.97 PTAT Parfect daughter! (08/23)
- Donor is full sister to Gen Bibian VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr., she is the #4 PTAT cow (>2 Years) in Europe at +4.11 PTAT and is dam to DG Blackburn at +15 Conformation!!
- Tracing back to the Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA cow family!
- Same family as Midas-Touch Montery 1127 EX-94-CAN 4yr., 1st place Maryland State Fair Holstein Show 2023
Haniko x Gen Brylo VG-86-DE VG-89-MS 2yr. (s. Undenied) x Col DG Brylin VG-86-DE 2yr. (s. Crush) x Oh-River-Syc Mogal Brylan VG-87-USA 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Kings-Ransom DROPBOX | +3003 GTPI / +3.27 PTAT / +10 Conformation / +3512 gLPI | Highjump x EX-91 Casper x EX-92 Delta x Kings-Ransom DM Debonair EX-93-USA!
Dam: Gen Balencia VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Haniko daughter, ready for the upcoming shows! | +3.35 PTAT and +12 Conf.! (08/23)
Sold for
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- Great Female Stantons CHIEF (+2.05 PTAT / +10 Conf. / A2A2) embryos out of the showy Jacobs HAM Versace!
- Jacobs HAM Versace was classwinner at the RSN show Lhee 2023
- Donor is grand daughter to Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA - sold for $195,000 in the Best of Jacobs Sale '19
- VICTOIRE EX-95-USA won multiple titles, like:
- 2nd and Best Udder 5yr. old Cow World Dairy Expo 2021
- 1st Sr. 3yr. old & Reserve Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2019
- 1st Sr. 3yr. old Intermediate Champion and H.M. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2019
- Res. All-American Sr. 3yr. old 2019
- All-Canadian Sr. 3yr. old 2019 - From the same family as Jacobs Goldwyn Valana EX-95-CAN 2E - Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 and more!
Delta-Lambda x Jacobs Unix Victory (s. Unix) x Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA (s. Doorman) x Jacobs Goldwyn Voltige VG-89-CAN 3yr. x Jacobs Dundee Voltige VG-89-CAN 3yr.
Sire: FEMALE Stantons CHIEF | The daughter proven TYPE sensation at +2.05 PTAT and +10 Conformation (08/23)
Dam: Jacobs HAM Versace | Showy Delta-Lambda grand daughter to the Res. Int. Champion WDE 2019: Jacobs Doorman Victoire EX-95-USA

- Unique offering: FEMALE Hellender Brandy P Red (+Ronald x Hellender Power Baileys EX-93-CH) embryos of Luck-E Altitude Jess-Red P VG-88-FR!!
- Altitude-Red (not available in Europe) x Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi P-Red EX-94-USA
- Dam was 1st Senior 3-Yr Old All-American R&W Show 2019 and sold for $30,0000
- 11 EXCELLENT generations in this pedigree
- Goes back on the World Famous Sky-Hi Mars Helen EX-92-USA
- Family with many show winners and delivered proven sires like JORDAN RED!!!
Altitude-Red x Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi P-Red EX-94-USA x Luck-E Ladd Jubilee-Red *P EX-93-USA x EX-94 x EX-90 x EX-90
Sire: FEMALE Hellender BRANDY P RED | Ronald x Hellender Power Baileys EX-93-CH 2E, 1st and finalist National Expo Bulle 2023 and Grand Champion Expo Brunegg!!
Dam: Luck-E Altitude Jess-Red VG-88-FR | Altitude-Red dtr x Luck-E Awesome Jacuzzi-Red EX-94-USA x EX-94 Ladd P x EX-94 Mr. Burns

- Mixed flush: #2 FEMALE Ryder-Red / FEMALE Power-Red embryos out of Ms Farnear Adler Arvis Agrovia EX-91-FR.
- Ms Farnear Adler Arvis Agrovia EX-91-FR is a showwinning Arvis daughter straight out of Ms Farnear Aria Adler EX-96-USA!!
- Agrovia EX-91-FR won already multiple ribbons:
> 4th place heifer class Swiss Expo 2019
> Grand Champion heifer show East-France 2019
> Junior Champion Festival de l' èlevage Brumath, France 2018 - Dam to the Grand Champion R&W Agrimax '22: Wilt Bad Alina VG-88-FR 2yr.!
- Her dam Aria Adler EX-96-USA was Grand Champion Iowa State Fair '19, Grand Champion Southern National Holstein Show '20 and more!
- She has an amazing pedigree with 9 EXCELLENT dams!!!!
Arvis x Ms Farnear Aria Adler EX-96-USA (s. McCutchen) x MS Apples Aria *RC EX-92-USA EX-94-MS (s. Destry *RC) x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96-USA
Sire: FEMALE Koepon OH RYDER-RED | Rubels-Red son out of the Red Impact Cow'21: Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86-NL 2yr.
Dam: Ms Farnear Adler Arvis Agrovia EX-91-FR | VG-88 showwinning Arvis daughter straight out of Adler EX-96-USA!!!!

- OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: #3 FEMALE Mb-Luckylady Eye Candy (+3.12 PTAT/ +15 Conf.) embryos out of Giessen Cinderella 247 (+2.08 PTAT / +8 Conf.)
- Giessen Cinderealla 247 could be the next potential EXCELLENT cow from this family!
- She is from the #10 Milking herd of the Netherlands
- Her EX-91 Doorman dam was 4th in her class at the RSN-Show '22
Thunder Storm x Giessen Cinderella 191 EX-91-NL EX-91-MS (s. Doorman) x Giessen Cinderella 134 VG-87-NL 2yr. (s. Mogul)
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady EYE CANDY | The +15 Conformation and +3.12 PTAT Delta-Lambda son out of Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA!
Dam: Giessen Cinderella 247 | +2.19 PTAT / +8 Conf. Doorman daughter tracing back to Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96-USA 3E GMD DOM cow family

- Exclusively FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (+3375 GPLI / +16 Conformation / +3.12 PTAT) embryos out of the 6th placed cow at the European Championship in Libramont!
- Esmeralda has the EXCELLENT score and very successful show cow:
> Res. Champion 2yr. Old National HHH Show '16
> 1st Intermediate Cow National NRM Show '17
> Champion Mariënwaerdt '16 & Res. Champion '17
> Res. Champion Hoornaar '16
> Udder Champion Noordeloos '18
> 6th place European Show Libramont 2019 - A daughter of the French National Champion Carf Emeraude EX-91-FR!!
- Emeraude is Dutch Cow of the Year 2022 and is the ONLY cow alive with 6 EXCELLENT daughters
- Full sister to the Grand Champion UK Dairy Show 2022: Riverdane Doorman Elke VG-89-UK EX-MS (MAX)!!!
EX-92 EX-94-MS Doorman x EX-91 Goldwyn x VG-88-FR Shottle x VG-89 2yr. x EX-90 xVG-89 x EX-93 x EX-94
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLS-EYE (A2A2) | Delta-Lambda son out of the classwinner 3yr. old WDE: Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA | +3.12 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3375 LPI (08/23)
Dam: JK DG Esmeralda EX-92-NL EX-94-MS | 6th in her section European Show Libramont 2019 | Doorman daughter straight out of Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL

- Female Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (A2A2) (+3.12 PTAT / +16 Conf. / +3375 gLPI) embryos straight out of the multiple show winner: JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL EX-91-MS
- JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL EX-91-MS won multiple titles, like:
- Classwinner and Reserve Senior Champion Wintershow Etten-Leur '23
- 1st place Sr. Cow Fokveedag Hoornaar '22
- 1st place Sr. Cows at Fokveedag Hoornaar '22
- 1st, Best Udder and Reserve Intermediate Champion Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt '21
- 1st place Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt '19 - Her EX-90-NK La3. Medley daughter was Intermediate Champion and Grand Champion Fokveedag Oldebroek '22
- Tracing back to Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90-IT
Jedi x JK Eder Eva 1 VG-88-NL EX-MS 4yr. (s. President) x HS Mogul Eva GP-NL 2yr. (s. Mogul) x Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr.
Sire: FEMALE Mb-Luckylady BULLSEYE (A2A2) | +3.12 PTAT / +16 Conformation / +3375 LPI (08/23) / Delta-Lambda son out of the classwinner 3yr. old WDE: Ladyrose Caught your Eye EX-92-USA
Dam: JK Eder Evalyn EX-91-NL | Classwinner and Reserve Senior Champion Wintershow Etten-Leur 2023

- DG El Completo (+1190 DWP$ / 4559 DWP$ / +3051 GTPI / +1093 NM$) embryos out of DG Atlas (+2859 GTPI / +1.44 PTAT)
- Parent average: +2955 GTPI and +981 NM$!
- Dam is sister to Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr., she is dam to DG Adagio @Ai-Total at +3049 GTPI and DG Nr. No @Ai-Total at +3000 GTPI!
- 3rd dam is the great broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA, the dam to NH DG Arrow, Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat, Armagedon P and NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH La2., the 2yr. old Champion Expo Bulle 2022
Captivating x Gen Alby (s. Crimson) x DG Ariana GP-84-DE La1. (s. Charley) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA
NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Total AiDol semen, buyer will have to sign the AiDol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped.
Sire: DG EL COMPLETO | AIDOL | TOP Captain son at 1190 DWP$ / +3051 GTPI with +1.01 PTAT and +1093 NM$! (08/23)
Dam: DG Atlas | Captivating x Crimson x Charley x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA!! | +2859 GTPI / +865 NM$ / +1.44 PTAT! (08/23)

- Great chance: Sandy-Valley ESQUIRE (+3011 GTPI / +969 NM$ / +2.09 PTAT) embryos out of DG Diddl (+2781 GTPI / +914 NM$)
- Dam to donor is the very promising Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr., she was last month Intermediate Champion and Udder Champion Zuidenveld 2023 and is dam to DG Adagio @Ai-Total at +3049 GTPI and to DG Dr. No @Ai-Total at +3000 GTPI!
- 3rd dam is the tremendous broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA EX-95-MS, she is dam to:
- NH DG Arrow (s. King Doc), daughterproven sire at +2.84 PTAT and +2639 GTPI!
- Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat (s. Frazzled), daughterproven sire 98% of his Canadian dtrs scored GP or better!
- NH DG Armagedon P (s. Splendid P *RC), +3.11 PTAT
AltaWheelhouse x Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Crimson) x DG Ariana GP-84-DE La1. (s. Charley) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-94-USA
Sire: Sandy-Valley ESQUIRE | Very complete sire at +3011 GTPI and +2.09 PTAT! | Taos x EX-90 Brass x VG-85 Apprentice *RC x VG-86 Yoder
Dam: Dg Diddl | AltaWheelhouse daughter straight from the Intermediate Champion Zuidenveld 2023 and dam to DG Adagio at +3049 GTPI @Ai-Total (08/23)

- WET Faneca MARTIN (+2977 GTPI and +1.89 PTAT) embryos from DGF Hype (+2791 GTPI / +0.83 PTAT)
- 6 generations excellent dams in her pedigree!
- Kapa Casein: BB / Beta Casein: A2A2
- Donor is maternal sister to DG Hunu @Ascol (s. Adaway)
- Going back to Cookiecutter MOM Hue VG-88-CAN 2yr.
Eifel x DGF W Hana (s. Charl) x Wetherton Jedi Hue VG-87-UK La3. (s. Jedi) x RZH Honfleur VG-85-UK 3yr.
Sire: Wet Faneca MARTIN | Great sire sire with no holes in his index: +2977 GTPI / +1.89 PTAT / +1236kgM / +0.22%F / +0.03%P (08/23)
Dam: DGF Hype | Great TYPE heifer from the Cookiecutters at +2791 GTPI and +0.83 PTAT! (08/23)

- #4 SHAKE-RED embryos (+157 gRZG / +316 gNVI) out of the +307 gNVI / +143 RZG Rovelli-Red daughter: Bouw Rovelli Rozan-Red!
- She is a great grand daughter to De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC VG-89-NL, grand dam to the topranking R&W gNVI sire: DV DG Rammstein-Red @Ai-Total
- Tracing back to the proven Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA cow family!
- De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC VG-89-NL is dam to the Global Red Impact Cow of the Year 2021: Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86-NL 2yr., the dam to Ranger-Red @Semex, Koepon Ryder-Red, Relax-Red, Robin-Red, AltaRefine-Red and many more!
Rovelli-Red x Bouw Andy Raisa-Red GP-83-NL 2yr. (s. Andy-Red) x Bouw Apprentice Rosanne *RC GP-82-NL 2yr. (s. Apprentice *RC) x De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC VG-89-NL EX-MS 5yr.
Sire: Blumenfield RUW SHAKE-RED | +157 RZG / +1543kgM / +0.22% Fat / +0.09% Protein and +316 gNVI! (08/23)
Dam: Bouw Rovelli Rozan-Red | The +308 gNVI R&W heifer in the Netherlands sired by Rovelli-Red!

- Great embryos from the R&W gRZG sire in Germany and Stamkos son: Red Rocks MASK RED (+155 RZG /+125 RZE / +1371kgM / A2A2 / +0.04% Fat / +0.08% Protein) out of Bouw Gnarby Roos (+149 RZG / +125 RZE)
- Great RED&WHITE embryos from a proven family with a lot of sires in AI
- 2nd dam to donor is maternal sister to the 'Red Impact Cow of the Year 2021': Lakeside Ups Red Range VG-86-NL 2yr., the dam to Ranger-Red, AltaRefine-Red, Ryder-Red, Relax-Red, Robin-Red and many more!
- From the same family as the #1 B&W gRZG Daughter Proven Sire: DG OH Topstone @Synetics and the #9 R&W gNVI Genomic sire: DV DG Rammstein-Red @Ai-Total
- Tracing back to the great broodcow Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA
Gnarby *RC x Bouw Andy Raisa-Red (s. Andy-Red) x Bouw Apprentice Rosanne *RC GP-82-NL 2yr. (s. Apprentice) x De Oosterhof DG Rose *RC VG-89-NL EX-MS 5yr.
Sire: Red Rocks MASK RED | R&W RZG sire in Germany at +155 RZG and +125 RZE! (08/23)
Dam: Bouw Gnabry Roos | +149 RZG with +125 gRZE / +289 gNVI Gnarby *RC daughter! (08/23)
This is a traditional English auction.