Eurogenes Auctions

Online Embryo Sale - January 24 - 31, 2025

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#1 — #3 T-Spruce HARMONY (Faststart) x Beerzedal HiPo Pfct Emelda GP-84-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
  • Get the next genomic giant: T-Spruce Harmony (+3156 GTPI / +1.50 PTAT / +1093 NM$) embryos out of Beerzedal HiPo Pfct Emelda GP-84-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
  • Emelda GP-84-NL 2yr. is dam to a Metcalf son at +3202 GTPI @ Semex and to the #23 GTPI Calf (<9 Months) in Europe at +3223 GTPI and sold in the German Masters Sale 2024
  • She is sister to the topseller of the German Masters Sale 2022: Beerzedal HiPo Pfct Emma!
  • Tracing back to Ridgedale Fond Example EX-95-USA 3E

    Parfect x Progenesis Challen Embrace VG-87-CAN VG-87-MS 4yr. (s. Challenger) x Main-Drag Helix Emmit VG-87-CAN VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Helix) x Main-Drag Rubicon Email EX-91-USA 2E

    NOTE: these embryos are made with a Faststart contract, buyer will have to sign the Faststart agreement with Semex before embryos can be shipped.

Sire: T-Spruce HARMONY (Faststart) | One of the highest available Monteverdi sons worldwide at +3156 GTPI in combination with +1093 NM$ and +1.50 PTAT (12/24)
Dam: Beerzedal HiPo Emelda GP-84-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | Exciting 2yr. old with a bright future and dam a Metcalf son at Semex! (12/24)

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#2 — #1 Siemers PARX x Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.
  • Siemers Parx (+3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT) embryos out of the #1 GTPI Subzero daughter worldwide!
  • Donor, Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. notes +2907 GTPI with +1.70 PTAT and is dam to DG Stewart @ Cogent at +3189 GTPI and DG Seaborn @ AI-Total at +3109 GTPI! (12/24)
  • Suami VG-86-NL 2yr. is sister to the #4 GTPI daughterproven sire WORLDWIDE: Westocoast Lambeau at +3109 GTPI and +1.79 PTAT (12/24)
  • From one of the most successful cow families ever: Comestar Laurie Sheik VG-88-CAN 2yr. 23*

    Subzero x Comestar Laumabia Doc (s. King Doc) x Comestar Laumay Jedi GP-83-CAN 2yr. (s. Jedi) x Comestar Laumaple Pepper VG-86-CAN

Sire: Siemers PARX | +3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT Overdo son from Siemers Lmbda Paris 27856 EX-91-USA (12/24)
Dam: Suami VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Great broodcow and sister to Westcoast Lambeau (+3109 GTPI / +1.79 PTAT)

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#3 — #3 DG ALVIN *RC x NH DG Amazon P VG-88-NL 2yr.
  • DG AVLIN *RC (+2928 GTPI / +2.40 PTAT) embryos out of the very interesting NH DG Amazon P VG-88-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. (+3.28 PTAT / +10 Conf.)
  • Her dam is King Doc daughter NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK EX-94-MS, the full sister to Arrow, Armagedon & Aristocrat @AI-Total
  • 2nd dam is the influential broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS
  • Dam is sister to NH DG Crushabull Atlantis VG-87-CH La2., the Jr. Champion Expo Bulle '22 and to NH DG Aschley EX-91-FR, the Senior Champion, Udder Champion & Res. Grand Champion SPACE 2023

    Mirand PP *RC x NH DG Amazing EX-92-UK EX-94-MS (s. Doc) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS

    NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Total AiDol semen, buyer will have to sign the AiDol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped.

Sire: DG AVLIN *RC | The #1 choice for any Red & Black breeder in the WORLD looking for balanced TYPE, INDEX and new blood! | +2928 GTPI / +2.40 PTAT (12/24)
Dam: NH DG Amazon P VG-88-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | +3.43 PTAT / +9 Conf. Mirand PP dtr x EX-92 Doc x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA

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#4 — #3 Siemers PARX x Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL
  • Siemers PARX (+3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT / +7 Conf.) embryos from: Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr.
  • Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr. is a Control daughter straight out of the GRAND CHAMPION Royal Winter Fair 2016: Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94 2E
  • Exciting embryos with FOUR generations of EXCELLENT dams!
  • THE chance on a showwinning heifer!

    Control x Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN EX-95-MS 2E (s. Gold Chip) x Redama Allen Lice EX-93-CAN 3E 9* (s. Allen) x Redama Chrome Lyso EX-90-CAN 2E 11*

Sire: Siemers PARX | +3014 GTPI / +2.89 PTAT Overdo brother to the dtr proven sire: Siemers Rengd Parfect @ Select Sires at +3064 GTPI / +2.37 PTAT (12/24)
Dam: Jacobs Nohl Lyana EX-90-NL 4yr. | Control x Jacobs Gold Liann EX-94-CAN - Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2016
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#5 — #2 Victory S-S-I Miami FRINGE (A2A2) x Noorder ARGH Barnabas S Minnie VG-85-NL 2yr.
  • FRINGE (+1.20 PTAT / A2A2) embryos - the very best of the JERSEY breed
  • Grand dam was Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Wisconsin State Fair '10
  • Same family as: Jif Little Minnie EX-96-CAN - All-Canadian & Grand Champion Royal '02 & '04!

    VG-85 2yr. Barbares x VG-87-DE 2yr. Sultan x BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA (s. Remake) x Fillpail Sparkle Margaret EX-94-USA (s. Sparkler)

Sire: Victory S-S-I Miami FRINGE | +66 JPI / +0.07% Protein / +1.9 DPR / +1.20 PTAT / +19.6 JUI / +2.30 Fore Udder Attachment
Dam: Noorder ARGH Barnabas S Minnie VG-85-NL 2yr. | Daughter of BJ Remake Maggie EX-95-USA

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#6 — #3 Jook Einstein QUALITY x DG Azzopardi Bomnilla
  • Jook Einstein QUALITY (+3068 GTPI / +1066 NM$ / +1.52 PTAT) embryos out of the +2728 GTPI / +1.71 PTAT Captivating daughter: DG Azzopardi Bomnilla!
  • Her dam has 2 sires in AI: DG Bosco at +2981 GTPI and DG Belcanta at +3061 GTPI!
  • Great family, developed at Go-Farm Holsteins - Italy
  • Going back on Hndel Smrk Beline 3404

    Captivating x Go-Farm Bondida (s. Discjockey) x Go-Farm Bolivia (s. DG Charley) x Go-Farm Bimba x Go-Farm Brashine

Sire: Jook Einstein QUALITY | Einstein son at +3068 GTPI / +1.52 PTAT / +1066 NM$ / +2270kgM / +0.1 DPR / 2.2% SCE (12/24)
Dam: DG Azzopardi Bomnilla | +2728 GTPI Captivating sister with many brothers in AI!
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#7 — #2 Gen PERCIVAL x DG Salvation
  • Gen Percival (+3180 GTPI / +1113 NM$) embryos out of DG Salvation (+2782 GTPI / +842 NM$ / +1941kgM)
  • She is full sister to DG Stirrup at +3008 GTPI with +1020 NM$ and +0.98 PTAT (12/24)
  • Close family member to DG Tiq Taq @Cogent at +3209 GTPI and +1210 NM$ (12/24)
  • Tracing back to the Ladys-Manor D Shawn cow family

    Arrozo x DG DV Shock (s. Charl) x De Volmer Sabine (s. Jedi) x Tramilda-N Kingboy Sage VG-87-USA

Sire: Gen PERCIVAL | +3180 GTPI / +1.22 PTAT / +1113 NM$ Captain son! One of the highest Captain sons available! (12/24)
Dam: DG Salvation | AltaAlanzo daughter from the Ladys-Manor Ruby D cow family
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#8 — #6 DG SPACE x DGF Burundi *RC VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.
  • DG SPACE (+3194 GTPI / +1193 NM$ / +1.19 PTAT) embryos out of DGF Burundi *RC VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr.
  • From the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE, the Miss Schau der Besten 2020 and 2022
  • 5th dam is the influencial Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS, the former #1 GTPI cow in the WORLD and dam to Jakarta @Semex
  • Goes back to the Canadian Cow of the Year 1998: Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie!

    Star P *RC x DGF Beatrice (s. Benz) x DKR Bali (s. Hotshot) x DKR Babylone VG-85-FR 3yr. x DKR Bayla VG-86-NL 2yr. x Baviere VG-87-FR EX-90-MS

    NOTE: Embryos were made with AI-Total AiDol semen, buyer will have to sign the AiDol agreement with Ai-Total before embryos can be shipped.

Sire: DG SPACE | One of the highest available Captain sons at +3194 GTPI in combination with +1193 NM$ (12/24)
Dam: DGF Burundi *RC VG-86-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Star P *RC daughter from the same family as Fux Seattle EX-97-DE, the Miss Schau der Besten 2022
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#9 — #2 DG JUST IN TIME x DG Pleun PP VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
  • DG Just in Time (+3137 GTPI / +1153 NM$ / +1.01 PTAT) embryos out of DG Pleun P VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (+2746 GTPI / +2.04 PTAT)
  • Donor is an interesting POLLED AltaZazzle daughter!
  • Dam to a +3009 GTPI / +1.79 PTAT Space daughter! - December '24
  • From the famous Skalsummer Pietje cowfamily!

    AltaZazzle x Buiteneind DG Garbine (s. Rubicon) x DG Garbine P *RC (s. Flagship) x LM DKR Ivy P *RC VG-86-NL La1.

Sire: DG JUST IN TIME | +3137 GTPI / +1153 NM$ Captain son! (12/24)
Dam: DG Pleun PP VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. | +2746 GTPI / +2.04 PTAT AltaZazzle daughter from the Skalsummer Pietje family!
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#10 — #4 DG JUST IN TIME x DG Calliope *RC
  • DG Just In Time (+3137 GTPI) embryos out of DG Calliope *RC (+2.22 PTAT / +1.83 UDC)
  • Great Hanley daughter at +2.22 PTAT / +1.83 UDC and a flawless linear!
  • She is sister to DG Castalia (s. Have It All), the dam to DG Cum Laude @ AI-Total at +3.76 PTAT (12/24)
  • Her granddam is dam to Scenery-View Cliff P, a Simplicity P *RC son at Semex
  • Great type pedigree: Hanley x King Doc x Silver x Ladd P Red x Redburst

    Hanley x Scenery-View Cooey GP-84-USA 2yr. (s. King Doc) x Scenery-View Crystal VG-88-USA (s. Silver) x Scenery-View Celia-Red EX-92-USA

Sire: DG JUST IN TIME | +3137 GTPI with +1153 NM$ Captain son out of Peassens Jezebel VG-86-NL 2yr.! (12/24)
Dam: DG Calliope *RC | Red Carrier Hanley daughter with a great TYPE!
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#11 — #3 Wet Faneca MARTIN x DG Diddl GP-83-NL VG-86-MS 2yr.
  • Wet Faneca Martin (+2920 GTPI / +868 NM$) embryos out of DG Diddl (+2839 GTPI / +949 NM$)
  • Dam to donor is the very promising Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr., she was Intermediate Champion and Udder Champion Zuidenveld 2023 and is dam to DG Adagio @Ai-Total at +3124 GTPI and to DG Dr. No @Ai-Total at +3073 GTPI!
  • 3rd dam is the tremendous broodcow: Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA EX-96-MS, she is dam to:
    - NH DG Arrow (s. King Doc), daughterproven sire at +2.84 PTAT!
     - Mr. Frazzled Aristocrat (s. Frazzled), daughterproven sire 98% of his Canadian dtrs scored GP or better!
     - NH DG Armagedon P (s. Splendid P *RC)

    AltaWheelhouse x Gen Durkje VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Crimson) x DG Ariana GP-84-DE La1. (s. Charley) x Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA 

Sire: Wet Faneca MARTIN | +2920 GTPI / +1.67 PTAT Faneca son with a very complete index!
Dam: Dg Diddl GP-83-NL VG-86-MS 2yr. | AltaWheelhouse daughter from the Al-Lew Monterey Ashley EX-95-USA cow family!
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#12 — #4 DG PEACE x DG Petra Pp VG-86-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
  • DG Peace (+3128 GTPI / +1199 NM$) embryos out of DG Petra Pp VG-86-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. (+2769 GTPI / +1.42 PTAT)
  • Donor is an interesting POLLED AltaZazzle daughter!
  • Sister to DG Proton (s. Captain) at +2896 GTPI @ Cogent
  • From the famous Skalsummer Pietje cowfamily!

    AltaZazzle x Buiteneind DG Garbine (s. Rubicon) x DG Garbine P *RC (s. Flagship) x LM DKR Ivy P *RC VG-86-NL La1.

    NOTE: these embryos are made with an AI-Dol contract, buyer will have to sign the AI-Dol agreement with AI-Total before embryos can be shipped.

Sire: DG PEACE (AI-DOL) | A Captain son at +3128 GTPI in combination with +2155kgM and +1199 NM$! (12/24)
Dam: DG Petra Pp VG-86-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. | Great and POLLED AltaZazzle daughter from the Skalsummer Pietje family!
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#13 — FEMALE embryos: #3 Genosource BIGWIG x Liddleholme Rita *RC
  • FEMALE Genosource BIGWIG (+3031 GTPI / +3.19 PTAT / +12 Conf.) embryos out of Liddleholme Rita *RC
  • Donor is a Red Carrier Rompen-Red daughter straight out of Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA!!
  • 'THE YODER', Rachel EX-96 won multiple titles, like
    - Senior & Res. Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Show 2023
    - All-American 150,000 Pound Cow 2022
    - 1st 150,000 Lb. Production Cow World Dairy Expo 2022
    - 3rd place Mature Cow New York Spring Dairy Carousel 2022

    Rompen-Red x Macland HF Yoder Rachel EX-96-USA DOM (s. Yoder) x S-S-I Uno Rapa 8431 VG-88-USA (s. Numero Uno) x Roylane Socra Mira 1760 EX-91-USA DOM (s. Socrates) x Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror VG-86-USA DOM (s. O Man)

Sire: FEMALE Genosource BIGWIG | +3031 GTPI / +3.19 PTAT / +12 Conf. Delta-Lambda son from the C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 family
Dam: Liddleholme Rita *RC | RED CARRIER Rompen-Red daughter straight out of Rachel EX-96

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This is a traditional English auction.