Eurogenes Auctions

Luck-E ADONIS-Red x Dueholm Savard Gabi Red EX-92 EX-94-MS

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This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
2 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Lot description

* Embryos from Savard Gabi EX-92 - Best Udder R&W National Show DK '14
* Gabi was also Grand Champion R&W and Best Udder Midtwest Farmshow '13
* EX-92 x VG-89 2yr. x VG-85 2yr. x VG-89 x VG-85 x VG-87 x VG-88 - GERMAN FAMILY
* FEMALE embryos by the special R&W bull ADONIS-RED

Sire: Luck-E ADONIS RED | Son of Asia EX-94 [more info]
Dam: Dueholm Savard Gabi Red EX-92 EX-94-MS | Grand Champion Red Midtwest Show 2013 - EX-92-DK EX-94-MS
Production- & Freezing Method
ET - Ethyleen Glycol

Dueholm Savard Gabi Red EX-92-DK EX-94-MS

(Savard x Canvas)

Grand Champion R&W Midtwest Farmshow '17

  • Dueholm Savard Gabi Red EX-92-DK EX-94-MS
  • Dueholm Savard Gabi Red EX-92-DK EX-94-MS
  • Gabi's beautiful udder
  • Dueholm Kian Gabi VG-89-DK 2yr.

Reg No.



October 14, 2010

Production Records

  • La2 54kgM 3.3%F 3.1%P
  • (Proj) 305d 28,962lbM 937F 930P


EX-92-DK EX-94-MS


  • Best Udder R&W National Show Denmark 2014
  • 4th in the finals Nat. Show 2014
  • Grand Champion R&W and Best Udder Champion Midtwest Farmshow 2013
  • Deep German cow family
  • Sr. & Grand Champion R&W Midtwest Farmshow 2017


  • Dueholm Canvas Gabi RC VG-89-DK 2yr.
  • last test: 36.7kgM 3.8%F 3.3%P LW 112
  • Super Canvas scored VG-89 2yr.!
  • Delta CANVAS RC
  • Dueholm Kian Gabi VG-85-DK 2yr.
  • La1 305d 24,299lbM 1,043F 840P
  • KIAN
  • DK 045348-01258 VG-89-DK
  • La1 305d 22,681lbM 3.8% 860F 3.4% 769P

Next Dams

  • 4th WIT Galaxie EX-90-DE
  • 5th Griseldi VG-87-DE
  • 6th Grimaldi VG-88-DE