KG /
Mox Fever Pinola EX-92-DE EX-94-MS
(Fever x Dundee x Gibson)
Close related to Wendon Prude EX-95!
Reg No.
December 1, 2011
Production Records
- 3/2La 305d 21,034lbM 4.1% 851F 3.25% 683P
- HL2 305d 22,963lbM 4.0% 919F 3.2% 728P
EX-92-DE EX-94-MS La3
- One of the great Fever daughters!
- Dam is full sister to Wendon Dundee Prudy EX-92-CAN - Res. All-West Sr. Calf
- Prudy is dam to one of the most hottest show cows at this moment: Wendon Dempsey Prude EX-95-CAN
- Prude named Res. Senior & Res. Grand Champion @ WDE '16 & Grand Champion BC Spring Show '16
- New hot cow family for super SHOW type
- Crackholm FEVER
- Wendon Dundee Pleasure EX-91-DE
- La1 305d 14,634lbM 3.8% 549F 3.6% 531P
- 3/3La 305d 21,630lbM 3.8% 818F 3.5% 745P
- HL3 305d 24,848lbM 4.0% 983F 3.3% 831P
- Full sister to Wendon Dundee Prudy EX-92-CAN - Res. All-West Sr. Calf
- Prudy is dam to Wendon Dempsey Prude EX-95-CAN - Res. Grand Champion @ Madison 2016!!
- Regancrest Dundee-ET
- Wendon Gibson Prudence EX-92-CAN 5E 6*
- 3.00 305d 20,820lbM 4.5% 944F 3.3% 688P
- 4.01 305d 25,029lbM 3.1% 785F 3.1% 787P
- 5.02 303d 26,253lbM 3.7% 959F 3.2% 844P
- 6.01 305d 29,776lbM 3.3% 994F 3.1% 913P
- 10.09 305d 28,781lbM 4.0% 1,160F 2.9% 842P
- Grand dam to Wendon Dempsey Prude EX-95-CAN - Res. Grand Champion Madison '16
- New hot cow family
- Silky GIBSON
- Wendon Loff Prudy EX-90-CAN 2E 3*
- 2.09 305d 23,631lbM 3.5% 818F 3.2% 750P
- 3.10 305d 26,841lbM 4.0% 1,063F 3.2% 858P
- 5.00 302d 31,830lbM 3.6% 1,153F 3.1% 992P
Next Dams
- 4th Wendon Jetter Petri EX-CAN 2E 4*
- 5th Wendon Sheik Petra VG-86-CAN 3yr.
- 6th Fernhame PBL Penelope VG-85-CAN
- 7th Fernhame Kildaire Magdalena VG-USA