Eurogenes Auctions

FEMALE embryos: #3 Poppe FREESTYLE-RED x K&L ST Kantika-Red

This auction has closed! Bids are no longer being accepted on this lot.
This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
3 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Custom offer
Lot description
  • FEMALE FREESTYLE-RED embryos: +164 RZG / +141 RZM / +137 RZE / +2506 RZEuro / +320 NVI
  • Great German index: +2068 Milch / +112 Euter / +146 RZM / 116 RZN / 121 RZE (12/21)
  • Dam is sister to K&L Palace-Red @ RUW / VOST
  • Same family as Wilder Kanu P-Red @ Semex

    Solitair P-Red x Pace-Red x Wilder K41 *RC VG-87-DE (s. Board) x Wilder K25 Red EX-90-NL (s. Brekem *RC)

Can be shipped to
Sire: FEMALE Poppe FREESTYLE-RED | +164 RZG / +142 RZM / +135 RZE (12/21) / Gywer *RC x Born P *R [more info]
Dam: K&L ST Kantika-Red | +152 RZG / +146 RZM (12/21) / +264 NVI (08/21) // Solitair P-Red x Pace-Red x Board
Production- & Freezing Method
ET - Grade A - Direct Transfer